This picture was snapped outside of Sonny's in Largo, FL on friday night. One of the great child tosses ever.
In other news. Uncle Sam is now an uncle for the 3rd time. Eli Joseph was born April 30th, weighing in at a strong 8 lbs, 7 oz and 21" in length. Good on ya mate!
Now is Michelle OK with all this child tossing? He at least looks like he's having a great time...That is some serious height. Makes me a mite pale. Tell Kyle and Michelle I said congratulations!!!!
Ahh. Michelle knew that child tossing was a Cullum tradition when she married in.
Yes Carrie, i too (being a cullum) was tossed up in the air as a child. it is and will forever be a cullum tradition lol.
We believe very strongly in the toss. Matt was probably tossed more than most of us and is now an accomplished trials motorcycle rider. A task which requires a great deal of balance. Research has shown that tossing and spinning helps children develop balance and equilibrium. It probably roots out that whole fear of heights thing too. (that last one is solely my conjecture).
I'm not sure how Michelle feels about it. Maybe she can reply when she gets back home and has some time (I hope she checks all the way back here in two months :)) I will say, that I have yet to see a child dropped or injured by a Cullum. Isaac actually requests to be tossed now. "Throw you up?" he asks (He's not yet mastered first and second person pronouns). Also, "spin you around?" Some like to do this by the arms, but I personally am a big fan of holding by the ankles: it gives a better grip, doesn't risk pulling the kid's latissimus dorsi out, and also puts the head of the spinnee at the edge of the virtual circle. This leads to the most fun. This are some of the primary tenets of Tossology. I hope you're taking notes.
That is a sweet picture!! I am all for the baby tossing, but then again, I don't have babies yet, so that could change.
i am fine with the tossing as long as it is people i know are strong and quick enough to catch my child in any circumstance. kyle and sam in have no worries with and know would not endanger my child if they didn't trust themselves. isaac also has excellent balance for his age and has always been tossed...so he too could be proof of the theory.
sam i hesitate to do spin around by the ankles cause if they were to hit something the head would be moving the fastest. not a good idea, i think. slappingone's feet on something is not so bad bruising is probably the w.c.s. kyle
Yes, I understand the by the ankles. I only did it in the backyard with a lot of space on sunday when we were grilling out.
Perhaps your child tossing disparagers might like to know that Cullum children have also been tossed back and forth across distances as long as I am tall - of course only with trusted tossers, experienced tossees, and over a grassy field. What I have read, research wise, is that adults who suffer motion sickness were likely not tossed at the proper time as children. I wonder if the case could be made that properly "tossed" children find it more "natural" to take leaps of faith as adults?
Cullum mother of tossees who became tossers
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