Monday, October 15, 2007

It's Division I Football!!

Ah, the joys...Sometimes as one travels around and runs into all kinds of totally irresponsible people who refuse to take any responsibility for their children, a little person in someone's head might mimick Dan Hawkins and say "You're a parent! Grow up! You're kid doesn't need a buddy! They need a dad/mom!"

The video below is pretty self-explanatory and pretty much just ridiculously funny. Check it out.


Timothy Miller said...

I love how he's all sedate and calm and relaxed - and then he comes to the point and he's all I'M GONNA BLOW A GASKET BECAUSE THESE SLACKERS DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT'S DIVISION ONE FOOTBALL!!!!! AAARRGGHH!


Honorary Southern Baptist Revival Speaker Award.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I love your post, as much as I love Tim's honorary Award!!!!

Sam said...

Humor is and always has been a collaborative effort. Much like faith, we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before. I second the award.

Sandy said...

I love it!