Saturday, April 23, 2005

Blue, like kick me in the arse!

So I'm currently reading Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller. This guy is a great writer. He kind of reminds me of David Sedaris with his story-telling ability.

A few great thoughts from the early chapters:

* The problem is not culture, other people and their morals...The problem is me. I'm self-serving and care more about being entertained than I do about justice. (This was what Miller wrote, but it is certainly also true of myself and most people I know).

* Some of the largest indictments of the church in America are the lack of love for the oppressed and questioning, and its shame about God. I'm going to withhold my opinion here for a while, but man the church needs to start loving people and caring about justice like God does.

More to come later on marriage, celibacy, and memorization of scripture.


Josh Kleinfeld said...

That Miller guy is interesting. I liked your quotes from him. He seems to express what many people are finding true.

Dude, you should check out some of the comments that this dude is leaving on my blog under my post "going east". It's interesting conversation about the orthodox church.

L said...

Sam, you should write more thought-provoking posts.